macOS 10.14.5 on HP ab237ne laptop

macOS 10.14.5 on HP ab237ne laptop

I successfully installed macOS on this laptop. it took almost a month. it would have been impossible without the help of this community.

Things that do not work: the battery is not detected properly. I did search for a patch for this laptop but i couldn't find one and i can't write a patch for it myself because i lack knowledge of programming.

internal wifi does not work but i found a compatible USB one. it works just fine

audio on HDMI does not work but i don't really care (picture works tho)

Trackpad Preferences is not working/detecting my synaptics touchpad but all the multi-touch gestures work and i was able to adjust its speed using the terminal.

overall im pretty happy with the results


i7 6500u cpu

gpu : hd 520 and nvidia 940m (disabled with wegnoegpu)

storage : samsung SSD

ram : 8 GBs ddr3

submitted by /u/lordofpc734
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