I unleashed a plague upon you guys and I am sorry for OsxAptioFix2Drv-free2000.

Title says it all. Please do not use this driver, like ever. It was meant to test a bug on a specific platform and for some reason is now being used as if it was not just completely freeing a ton of memory that is probably needed for your system to actually function correctly. This driver can cause your mobo to be bricked or even damage components. If you must use this driver to get functioning system I would suggest that you try to use one of the other newer drivers (OsxAptioFix3Drv or AptioMemoryFix), build a different system, or at least know that I am sorry for all the pain I have inflicted upon your poor hack... Rest in peace, poor little machines. You were a good boi and I just let these jackals tear you to shreds.

submitted by /u/apianti
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