Trying to install Mojave but getting “target disk too small”

What’s up. My system is an i7 7700k with the internal graphics, gigabyte aorus gaming k5 motherboard. I recently had the hackintosh on this system but I had high Sierra with the gtx 1080ti which worked no problem.

I can get the installer to go all the way but then it comes up that Mac OS couldn’t be installed because the target disk is too small. I checked on reddit and other places. I tried it on an nvme drive and a different ssd drive. Didn’t work. I erased them and formatted them to apfs and that didn’t work either coming up with the same results.

Anything else that could be done to try to get this to work? I used the guide from hackintosher to get it going. Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/jksixfour
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