Putting hackintosh to sleep vs shutting it down

Hi. I'm aware this question has been asked at almost every technology and computer hardware forum on the internet, but still asking it here for my peace of mind and because hackintoshes aren't your conventional computers. As the owner of a Hackintoshed laptop, who spends 6 to 9 hours on his system almost every day, would you recommend me putting my laptop to sleep during the night or shutting it down completely. I have been shutting it down all these years, but I have recently decided to put it to sleep during the nights for the past couple of days. But now I'm concerned that this will shorten the life of my RAM chips and battery. I would opt for hibernate, but it is common knowledge that hackintoshes disable the hibernate mode. Can someone shed more light on this?

submitted by /u/RealMatchesMalonee
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