[Intel HD 630] Dual screen HDMI + VGA?

I'm trying to switch from my GTX 1050 to integrated graphics to upgrade to Mojave. I'm currently on High Sierra.

Previously, I has a dual screen setup using the HDMI and DVI ports on my GPU. Now, I'm trying to get it working with the motherboard HDMI + VGA ports.

The HDMI screen works fine, but the VGA screen doesn't work. It receives no signal. Both screens come up in Hackintool. If I boot with only the VGA screen plugged in, the verbose boot log shows until the point where the login screen should come up. Then it stops receiving signal. To my understanding, I need to add some `framebuffer-conX-...` properties to get the VGA screen working. What properties and values do I need to add? Or do I need to do something else entirely?

I have a Dell Inspiron 3668, which has a Intel H110 motherboard.

submitted by /u/superl2
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