What's the difference between Corpnewt's Script and Hackintool for USB Mapping? I want to get this right but I'm struggling!

Still trying to noodle out the whole USB port mapping process. I've done it with Corpnewt's script twice but each time ended up with a number of external ports I've needed to disable to get down from 20 to 15. I'd much prefer it if I could have all of my external ports working... so somebody suggested I try out using Hackintool from headkaze. TBH, I've downloaded the tool but can't figure out how to get it working. Even though I have my config.plist set up correctly with the controllers renamed and USBInjectAll in the proper location, the app doesn't detect USBInjectAll nor any of the other kexts I have in the "installed" tab. That and there's nothing populated on the USB tab... although the app is running, I think there's something I'm missing. Anybody know what it might be? Thanks much!

submitted by /u/gingus418
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