Error allocating 0x#### pages at 0x#### alloc type 2 Couldn't allocate runtime area

First time hackintosher here. I did a vanilla install using the latest (as of Aug 10/2019) drivers, kexts, and Clover following this guide.

I was unable to boot from the system drive due to "Couldn't allocate runtime area" errors until I made the changes suggested here.

After that I was able to boot multiple times. Everything on the system worked. Then I shut it down and added a second SSD drive and tried to boot into MacOS and I had this same error pop up again.

System Specs: MacOS: 10.14 (no upgrades, clean install) Motherboard: Gigabyte Z390 M GAMING mATX RAM Crucial: Ballistix Sport LT (32GB) CPU:Core i7-8700K Graphics Card: Sapphire RX 580 Pulse 8GB Drives: 2 Samsung SSD 860 EVO 1TB


drivers └── UEFI ├── ApfsDriverLoader.efi ├── AptioMemoryFix.efi ├── EmuVariableUefi.efi └── HFSPlus.efi drivers64UEFI └── OsxLowMemFixDrv.efi kexts └── Other ├── AirportBrcmFixup.kext ├── AppleALC.kext ├── IntelMausiEthernet.kext ├── Lilu.kext ├── USBInjectAll.kext ├── VirtualSMC.kext └── WhateverGreen.kext 

Any help or guidance would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/kepford
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