Guys dont use -wegnoegpu to disable gpu on a LAPTOP Use SSDT method!!!

Note:Only For a Laptop and for people who are new to hackintosh laptop with dual GPU.

I have seen some of people on a laptop is using -wegnoegpu. YES it disables the gpu but it still draws power and impact battery.

On official dortania guide website it says "So with laptops, we can hide the dGPU from macOS with the little boot-arg called -wegnoegpu from WhateverGreen. But one small problem, the dGPU is still pulling power draining your battery slowly." I was using the wegnoegpu flag before then i switched to ssdt method to disable nvidia optimus gpu and i got better battery life than before.

So follow this guide from their website.

I recommended Optimus method... For Most Laptop.

submitted by /u/bisaalz
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