Screen brightness control with Magic Keyboard 🔆F1/🔆F2 keys

As AppleOSX does not support the changing of the screen brightness on HDMI/DP, i was struggling at the beginning of my NUC8i5BE build to find an appropriate way to use the original brightness control keyt on the magic keyboard.

This was the only solution i found. Seems working rock solid so far.
Not sure if this is helpful for you, but thought might be worth sharing.

  1. Get Quickshade (dev: questbeat) from the store

    Command line install for mas : mas install 931571202

  1. Get any kind of key remapping tool, i use BetterTouchTool

    Command line install for brew : brew install --cask bettertouchtool

  1. Go into settings of quickshade and add a new shortcut for "Turn up brightness" and for "Turn down brightness". Used some key combinations that i not really use.

    Well never used before like ever so it'll be fine.

"Turn up brightness" ^Ó

"Turn down brightness" ^Ü

  1. Fire up BetterTouchTool, go to Keyboard

    " + Add New Shortcut or Key Sequence", in Shortcut, press 🔆F1 >>> Trigger Other Keyboard Shortcut : Use the one you assigned in Quickshade. ^Ü in my example, repeat for the brightness up.

    " + Add New Shortcut or Key Sequence", in Shortcut, press 🔆F2 >>> Trigger Other Keyboard Shortcut : Use the one you assigned in Quickshade. ^Ó in my example.

  1. Enjoy the working keys.
submitted by /u/peking84
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