Help Apple Recovery installer crashes within a few sec of starting.

Included OC crash/exit .txt and my config.plist


I hope link works

my Gear:

cpu I7-6700k

MOBO Gigabyte Ga Z170x-ud5

GPU Radeon VII

RAM Crucial 64GB

Bluetooth BT400

Wifi TL-WDN4800

Ethernet 2xIntel Bge LAN chips

Get to OC boot menu>install from external(usual txt stuff)*

*i do get a ERR (0xE) @ GV wake-failure during verbose readout... but boot goes past it to the apple logo.

Within 1-5 sec of going into the apple menu installer crashes with crash Report code 604.

Hopefully the OC.txt esit report and config.plist help.

I'll gladly give any information that I havent thought of, just let me know

Thank you

submitted by /u/Im-Mostly-Confused
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