Need some help

So I have an HP Envy 750-514 desktop with Core i5 7400, 12gb Ram with Intel graphics... I purchased a new hard drive and configured my USB with unibeast per instructions from Tony... I adjusted my boot settings as close as possible to the recommended settings as not all the options were available on the HP desktop setup... I removed the original hard drive and the SSD that came installed in the computer.

I booted from USB and was able to load clover from USB (although extremely slow)... I was able to ultimately install Mojave onto a clean hard drive... Of course not everything was working correctly, but for the most part it worked fine.

I downloaded multibeast and followed along with a guide and felt I had selected necessary options then saved it and it did it's thing... I go to restart and it loads to the Apple logo with progress bar and restarts half way through the progress bar... Now I cannot get it loads back into Mojave no matter which option I select at clover boot screen... Any way to remove the changes multibeast made without booting into Mojave?

I know this is long and I'm not as versed on hackintosh as I once was many many years ago when Apple made the switch...

submitted by /u/thenaturalstate
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